New Weekly Podcast by Alan Smith

NEW podcast published today on the book of Romans by Alan Smith!

When Paul writes, he repeats things for us to catch. What hewants us to know in chapter 7 of Romans is the importance of being free from the law in order to fly in spirit. Law awakens the sin hiding in us. Once law reveals it, the power of it strengthens. But why? Sin is a spiritual entity. It is looking for something to seize and for a life to feed off of so it can feel life. Now exposed in us, it can come alive. We become a divided individual. The redeemed spirit never wants to go against God, but there is an alien power living in us continuously needing to disagree with His ways. Like Paul, we find ourselves not doing what we do want to do and doing what we hate to do instead. It seems like a hopeless situation if it is something larger than us controlling us but only if you look at it without God in the equation. In this teaching, Alan Smith shows us what to expect by continuing to live under law and the role God plays in freeing us from law.

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