What Are Kingdom Chronicles?

     The Kingdom Chronicles is a prophetic way of receiving a Word from the Lord. Below are the words that were collected and the chronicles that were written from these words from last week's House of Prayer meeting. Each week, we ask the Holy Spirit to give words or phrases to someone in the group. When someone gets a word or phrase, they speak it forth and then pray a prayer about the word or phrase. We then have the people take the words and phrases and create a chronicle. The word chronicle means, "words of the day". So we gather the words of the House of Prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to show us how to craft a chronicle.

This Wednesday night at 7 pm we will live stream the next  House of Prayer Live. 

  • Words for Chronicle Titled: “Prepare Your House”

            ◦ Prepare your house
            ◦ For all generations—Psalm 135:13
            ◦ He does what He pleases—Psalm 135:6
            ◦ We say yes
            ◦ Peculiar treasure—Psalm 135:1-4
            ◦ Your possession—Psalm 135:10-12
            ◦ Unusual
            ◦ Alive in Him—Psalm 100:4
            ◦ To do the impossible—Matthew 19:26
            ◦ His power—Ephesians 3:20
            ◦ Humility—1 Peter 5:5-6
            ◦ All the glory—Psalm 135:15-18
            ◦ Not us, but Him—Psalm 115:4, 1
            ◦ Irresistible faith

  • “Prepare Your House” Chronicles:

           ◦ Prepare your house, my children, for a great and glorious visitation from your heavenly Father. What I will do for New Life will be received by all generations. We give you all the freedom to do all that you are going to do in the sanctuary, Lord. New Life says yes with all faith and enthusiasm, for all that you want to do in this place. Peculiar and precious treasures will be discovered at this Holy Place, as we welcome your presence. You, Father, will share your possession of hope and love and mercy and grace with your children at New Life. How unusual our church will look to the world, but they will flock to this place for what we have, for what can only be found through revival. We decree that New Life is alive in Him. As we see you Lord, do the impossible as only you can do. We will see the power in the lives of the people as he will receive the glory and the praise. With great humility, we will stand in all of the glory of our Heavenly Father, as we acknowledge his greatness. So as we approach revival we say, “Not us Lord, but God will be seen at this place of worship.” A new measure of irresistible faith will be seen all over the county, as we worship you, Lord. In Jesus name.
           ◦ New Life, prepare your house this day to be a glory for God, for this and all future generations. We invite you Lord to do as you please with New Life and we declare that we say yes. Lord, we submit ourselves to be a peculiar treasure unto you. We embrace the unusualness of what you have for us with the understanding that it will cause us to bend and stretch. Through the freshness of this move of your spirit, we will come alive in you and in your power, and we will be able to do the impossible. God, we promise in all humility not to neglect to give you all the glory, and it is not us, but you. In Jesus name.
           ◦ Lord, we hear you calling us tonight to prepare your house; and we believe this call is for all generations here at New Life and beyond. Your word tells us that, “He does what He pleases”; so, we trust you in what You please for us and we say, yes Lord. Help us to be a peculiar treasure for your possession as you release your revival over us in an unusual way. May we be alive in him as we believe with an increased fervency for the Lord to do the impossible at New Life and in this county. May his power move throughout this county like a mighty rushing wind to bring all people to a place of humility and surrender under God's mighty hand. As you move in our hearts and in our minds and as you change our lives, we will give you all the glory. We will stand in awe of you, Lord, and we will say, “Not us, but Him.” As a church and as individuals, give us an irresistible faith that will be contagious throughout this county. And with “Red Bull” energy, we say yes and amen.

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