Fresh Words

I find myself daily beseeching Father for fresh words of comfort, encouragement and focus. He is always faithful to answer our heart cries, whether I'm listening or not! So much so that he will stoop down to our level to hear us. He is calling us to himself. From that divine posture all else palls in comparison.

You have been divinely summoned ... May his joyous grace and total well-being, flowing from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, rest upon you.
Romans 1:7 – TPT

Through him a joy-producing grace cascades (is poured downward rapidly and in great measure) into us, empowering us with the gift of messenger of his loving grace, so that we can win people from every nation into a faithful commitment to Jesus, to bring honor to his name.
Romans 1:4-5 – TPT

Through him we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ! And I greet you now with all the generosity of God our Father and our Master Jesus, the Messiah.
Romans 1:2 -Msg

If this were our focus, love would always win the day! Ron Ross12207659867?profile=RESIZE_710x

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