Netherlands: Over 60,000 gathered at the ‘Opwekking’ conference
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
Opwekking · 02 JUNE 2023 · 11:23 CET

Around 60,000 people attended the Opwekking (Revival) conference held in the Dutch city of Biddinghuize from 26 to 29 May, to celebrate Pentecost.
This is the 53rd edition of this event, which also could be followed online. Over 330,000 people watched it live through the internet. Free viewing of the services and most of the seminars will be available until 1 September 2023.
The conference was held in the Dutch city of Biddinghuize. / Opwekking.
“We are full of gratitude. We are overwhelmed by the huge number of visitors, the positive and good atmosphere, and noticeable unity and connection with so many people from different backgrounds”, said Ruben Flach, managing director of the conference.
He stressed that “many people had their first or new encounter with Jesus. Many have been touched by the Holy Spirit and tasted the love of God. That is why we organise this conference every year: we long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit”.
The theme of this year's Opwekking was 'But we see Jesus', based on Hebrews 2:9.
“It refers to the fact that Jesus preceded us in the plan God has for us. Although we still see the brokenness resulting from the Fall in our own lives and in the world, when we see Jesus, we gain a pure perspective on life, others and ourselves”, explained the organisers.
The theme of this year was 'But we see Jesus'. / Opwekking.
Music and Revival CD
Music is one of the biggest attractions of Opwekking. Worship this year was led by the band InSalvation along with Eline, Sarah Ben Hamida, Charlotte Jordaan and Sander and Angela Nijbroek.
The conference offered programs for children, teens, and youth. / Opwekking.
Thousands of people attended Saturday afternoon concert, where video footage was taken for live videos of the songs.
Thousands attended the Saturday afternoon concert / Opwekking.
Another tradition of the Opwekking is the collection of Monday morning, which aims to raise money for missionary projects and ministries, such as the evangelistic initiative Alpha Nederland, the aid network GAiN, and many others.
This year they have achieved a record amount of 1,011,101 euros. Furthermore, the children collected 1,279 euros, which will be given to the Children's Village of Heart for Haiti.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Netherlands: Over 60,000 gathered at the ‘Opwekking’ conference