Our Land is Defiled

People are asking Why President Trump didn’t stay in office when there was so much prayer?

          Jer 7:16  “As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me,

                         for I will not hear you.”

          Jer 11:14  “Therefore do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer on their behalf, for I will not listen when

                         they call to me in the time of their trouble.” 

When COVID hit the USA, people wondered if it was from God, although most were sure it was the assignment from the satan. Personally, I believe that the satan can do nothing apart from God’s instruction.

We gave people moving into this country the freedom to practice their worship of other gods which defiled our land.

          Jer 7:18-28 ...And they pour out drink offerings to the other gods, to provoke me to anger. ...they did worse than their fathers. 

                         ... . This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, and did not accept discipline;

                         truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.

We are openly murdering the children, and are now allowing it even after they are fully formed.

                        31 And they have built the high place of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Himmon, to burn

                        their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.

So what? Did we expect the Creator to just keep turning a blind eye?

                       32 Therefore, behold the days are coming declares the LORD, ...but it will be called the Valley of Slaughter.

This is what America is, the Valley of Slaughter.

                       34 ... for the land will become a waste.

What can we do? Repent! Repent! Repent! and TURN from sin!

Witchcraft is ramped. Just look it up on the internet, and see the instructions on how to have a seance. We are even holding so-called “Ascension” group prayers which many, and maybe all, are virtually seances.

“Universalism” has grown to the point that we have Yoga classes in almost every shopping center and definitely in every gym across our country.

What’s so bad about Yoga? Let’s begin with the Prana definition.

          Prana is the Sanskrit word for the cosmic energy that is the essence of our existence. It is the vitality within us.

          Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine have the same Prana definition. In Chinese

           philosophy, Prana energy is known as Chi. (emphasis added)  (https://www.ayurvedum.com/what-is-prana/)

What is Chi?
           from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
           noun: The vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be inherent in all things.

           The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body

           are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine. https://www.wordnik.com/words/chi

We have fallen into such lethargy that we don’t even realize what we are doing when we participate in these classes. We think, if we think about it all, “it can’t affect us, because nothing can snatch us away from Jesus.”

The problem is either we aren’t really His, and, therefore, we are open and are deceived, or we are His but opened the door by participating in such activities that we have now invited demons to enter into our lives, our homes and our families.

Yoga is just one example of our participating in the deception from other religions that are ramped in our country.

Some Christians actually openly say they are Universalist but still remain Christians meaning they still worship Jesus. Universalism welcomes all religions, including the belief in Jesus Christ, Buddha, Hinduism, Taoism, Shamanism, etc.

The first problem simply coming into agreement with Universalism opens us up to deception. We may start out believing we are believers in the salvation by Jesus Christ but as long as we continue mixing Universalism beliefs with our Christian beliefs, we will eventually believe “there are many ways to Heaven.” Then, without realizing the subtle whisper of the enemy, we stop using God’s name and start using “the Universe.” Inevitably, we will even deny that Jesus is the One and Only Son of God.

Now we’ve moved into eclecticism. Basically, what we are doing is creating our own individual beliefs. The primary purpose in these New Age beliefs draws us back to self. Self or Man is now in control. We are feeding our flesh or our beast.

That’s another subject for another article but let me remind you that the number of the beast is 666. The number 6 is the number of man. Man and beast were created on the sixth day.

I repeat, there is only one way to the Father Who is in Heaven, and that is through the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died on the cross and was resurrected. We should be fully dependent on Him and not ourselves.

Some think “Oh, well that’s Old Testament God.” Please see in the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) Luke 19:27 - they didn’t want the Lord to reign over them. In the conclusion of this parable, He said a “certain nobleman said, ‘Bring them before me so I can see them slain in front of me.’” He’s the Same God as in the First Covenant (Old Testament).

Derek Prince taught that in the last days it will be most difficult to be able to decipher the truth from the false. The magicians were able to copy the first four plagues in the Exodus and the counterfeit is even more capable in these times.

Only those that know and love Him well, know the scriptures, and keep His Commandments because we love Him will not fall into the deception.

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