Please Consider ordering this book. A must read.

I strongly recommend this book by John Dyslin. If you go to his website and order the book, you may get a 10% discount by using the code KPS1 when ordering. Go to

Nehemiah Strong: Life-Sustaining Essentials for a Season of Trial is a product of nearly two years’ effort to produce a unique, comprehensive guide that encourages, equips, and informs fellow believers, as well as nonbelievers, for a broad spectrum of challenges in these tumultuous times.

Life-Sustaining Essentials for a Season of Trial

We live in unprecedented times, with unprecedented challenges.  Christian-based societal foundations have vanished; in their place is a ‘new age’ spirit proclaiming what once was evil as good, and good evil.  Authorities are using a thin veil of propriety to justify invasive actions – including lockdowns, compliance enforcement, and persecution of ‘unfavored’ groups – that threaten the liberty and well-being of you and all those you love.


About the Author

John Dyslin has been a student of ‘alternative’ history and world events since 2007, and a lifelong student of Scripture and Christian doctrine.

Following careers in finance and as an internet entrepreneur, he turned his attention to today’s emerging issues, including training in counter-human trafficking, pistol and rifle tactics, Ham radios, comms, and scout tactics.

John was turned around in his life by Jesus Christ in 2014, and is a blood-bought chief sinner who strives to do his imperfect best to follow Jesus’ plan for his life.

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