The Earth Is Travailing 4 Us 2 Come Forth

The privileges and responsibilities of being joint-heirs with Christ are not held from us, but rather are held for us; until we have matured enough to faithfully fulfill them. The Spirit and power of the Kingdom of God must be manifested through those who have developed the character of the King. It is a process of time, involving the learning of His Word and Ways.

We must choose to apply the Word according to His Ways, in the midst of trying circumstances as Kingdom lifestyle. That alone causes His character to be formed within us. Thankfully, in His wisdom and loving provision, Jesus gives us seasoned, gifted men and women to help us in the process of maturation (perfection). These are the tutors and governors of Gal. 4:2 as well as the five-fold ministry of  Eph 4:11-15.

As Emanuel matured while learning obedience through the things which He suffered, so will we. The Way of God for Jesus is the Way for all His sons. As mature Christians we are to manifest Christ’s glory in the Earth. The Way is the same. The manifestation of His glory follows a degree of mature obedience learned through suffering in the will of God. The Earth is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. Selah. Rom 8:16-19

Jesus initiated a new, yet eternal priesthood in the earth through His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.  As our Great High Priest, He offered Himself up on the altar of the cross before God on our behalf.

Perfected through obedience, even unto the death of the cross, Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father. As the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world He alone forever is the Author of eternal salvation. He administers’ this resurrection life to those who believe Him through the office of an eternal Order of priesthood: the Order of Melchisedec.


8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;    

9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

10 Called of God an high priest after the order of  Melchisedec.

The Order of Melchisedec was new, in that it replaced the Levitical Priesthood, yet it is eternal in that it was active when the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world.

We as sons, joint-heirs and co-laborers with Him are also called to minister that eternal salvation on His behalf in the earth as king/priests in the Order of Melchisedec. The Order of Melchisedec is the New Testament Order of king/priests with Christ Jesus as the King of Kings and Great High Priest.

We are given a glimpse of the function of this Order when Melchisedec stepped into this Earth realm from the eternal and blessed Abram while ministering to him the bread and wine.

[The Order of Melchisedec simply functions from the finished work of the cross as represented by the bread and the wine.]

The Earth is increasingly groaning in convulsive travail; that the ministry of the fullness of the Redemptive work of the Cross of Christ be manifested through a mature Church.

It is TIME!

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