This past Sunday, I spoke about the little while moments of life. It seemed that God has been placing many people in these little while moments. I was thinking of how God, in total and complete control of time, never gives us the exact time concerning many things in our lives. In the gospel of John the Lord Jesus uses the phrase, “A little while” more than once. To the Pharisees who wanted to take Jesus and kill Him, Jesus said, Yet a little while will I be with you. To the disciples who followed Him, He said to them, Yet a little while am I with you. These little while moments come to us from the Lord and are extremely significant. The manifest presence of Christ in our lives comes and then it's as if He is completely gone. We know that He will never leave us or forsake us but there are seasons and periods of time that He desires to do certain things with us and even in us.
Eccl 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. The term season means an appointed time that is specific. The term time here means a period or duration of time. Seasons come and go, and time continues on. With time and seasons everything changes. What God is doing now is what is important for us to yield to. If we respond to the appointed time now like we responded before we could miss what God is doing. Eccl 3:1 says that the divine appointment in this season will last until the purpose is completed. To discover what the purpose of our time is all we need to do is look to the season or the divine appointment of our lives. God is in control of all that we face both good and bad.
With every circumstance of adversity or victory we must acknowledge the divine appointment of God for the purpose being fulfilled in our lives. The reality of what Christ Jesus said to the Pharisees who wanted to kill Him was that they could only do that in the time that God would allow. To the disciples who loved Him He was saying seize the moment, and get all you can from Him while He is near.
When we encounter the manifest presence of Christ in our lives we need to understand that He will manifest Himself to us in the appointed time that is under His control, and that time may not last forever. I find myself in a little while season in my life in which The Lord Jesus is fulfilling a purpose in me that is greater than what I could imagine.
I know many who are in a season that they do not like. The appointment for many may be hard in this material physical world, but in the spirit world there is a divine purpose that the Lord is fulfilling in you. There are still those who are in a season that they enjoy. Wrapped up in the presence of the Lord is a wonderful place to be, but remember get all you can because only a little while is He with us in that way.