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Navigate Gross Darkness

Kingdom Opportunities
Gross darkness is covering the land. Evil abounds! Barbaric treatment of women, children and Christians is epidemic. If you took the pulse of humanity at this moment in history you would find little empathy, respect, caring, comp

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So Much Noise

  • “Father, what you say seems so often out of my reach.” “Son, that’s true. It is! What I desire for you is always out of your reach. But never out of the reach of My faith within you. That’s why I had to send My Only Begotten Son and then Holy Spirit
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Help for Hard Times

How do we process the many pressures of our times? Unprocessed; they will become stressors that slowly choke the life out of us. Cloaked in the guise of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, high anxiety…we are robbed of the peac

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Jesus Revolution

"I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me.” Isaiah 65:1, NIV
This was the case in the Jesus movement of the late 60s and early 70s. It was also my experience. In 1970 I set off for Toronto, Canada by

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Revelation 1:14

Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.

As John turns to see the voice he heard, he receives this wonderful vision, and he continues in this verse to describe what he saw. 

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Can We Change?

Can We Change?
You can’t!!! Do yourself a favor; quit trying! And stop acquiescing to other’s attempts at controlling what you “do” or “don’t” do! Yes, I’m referring to all authority figures in your life. There is no one in your life (including yourse

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Your Salvation

"Your salvation is not a reward for good behavior! It was a grace thing from start to finish; you had no hand in it. Even the gift to believe simply reflects His faith! (Ephesians 2:8-Mirror)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith...”


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The Little While Moments of Life

This past Sunday, I spoke about the little while moments of life.  It seemed that God has been placing many people in these little while moments.  I was thinking of how God, in total and complete control of time, never gives us the exact time concern

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Fresh Words

I find myself daily beseeching Father for fresh words of comfort, encouragement and focus. He is always faithful to answer our heart cries, whether I'm listening or not! So much so that he will stoop down to our level to hear us. He is calling us to

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California Bill Will Charge Parents With Child Abuse If Not Trans Affirming

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A recently amended California bill would add "affirming" the sexual transition of a child to the state's standard for parental responsibility and child welfare--maki
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Dishonor or Doctrine

Have you ever been in an argument with yourself. I’m in a conflict with myself. We desperately need to take a stand in the evil day we live in.  As a matter of fact, we are told in Eph 6:13-14a Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye

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Jesus You Have Won Me

Jesus you have won me! Because you are, I can be! I am hidden and safe in you! I am restored to innocence in you! Because you have always been and always will be ‘I Am’; I am also! My reality does not exist apart from You, Your Father and Holy Spirit

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I Am-I Belong

• Henosis ( Ancient Greek: ἕνωσις) is the classical Greek word for @mystical "oneness", "union" or "unity". In Platonism, and especially Neoplatonism, the goal of henosis is union with what is fundamental in reality: the One

“My old identity has been

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Life Must Be Found

Thoughts and Perceptions:

Life Must Be Found

By: Alan Smith


  • Romans 1:16-17: This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven-makes us right in God's sight-when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from st
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